Thursday, August 10, 2006

I had the most surreal conversation with Adam last week.

The phone rang about 9:00 AM. I answered, "This is Gena." (It was my business line)

The voice I heard on the other line was not Adam's. I had no idea who was calling me! It was very confusing. In retrospect all I can say is that it sounded as though he was "sounding off" as they do to address their DI's - but in a quiet, and sort of high-pitched voice. Must've been becuase he was trying to accommodate the snarly DI standing behind him but also not blow out my ear drums - for which I'm thankful.

A: "Hello."


A:" I'm calling to tell you my graduation date will be delayed one week."

G: "Huh?"

A:"My graduation date will be delayed one week."


A: I have to go.

G: Ok, bye.

A: Bye.

It seriously took me a few mintues to process what I just heard. I was actually, physically shaken by the call. I just could not believe that was Adam speaking like that.

The next thing I did was to call his recruiter to ask - "Why has my husband's grad date been delayed a week??" Apparently he was just in the midst of trying to locate my phone number when I called - they know everything - spot-on.

So it turns out - the holes in Adam's ears that were created by his ear "plugs" had not grown shut. This is by far NOT Marine reg. He somewhat anticipated this in advance, so he divised his own methods of trying to get them to grow back together - I won't go into specifics, but I will say that sandpaper had something to do with it. (eeww.) This was about a week before he left. Down in Sioux Falls, SD where he went through all the medical checks - he totally passed, so he was not as concerned about them.

Let's just forget about the fact that his wife ever so delicately suggested he go in for some outpatient surgery to get a few stitches. :-)

Anyway - that's the scoop. Now the challenge remains to get him (and us) back from graduation in time to make his brother's wedding rehearsal. Our whole family is in the wedding. It looks like it's going to be a little tricky. Not sure what's going to happen there - but we're working on it!

The home report: Thank God, our lice issue is under control! We are slowly easing back into normal life, but very cautiously. I just now found the source of the problem. Our neighbor kids, who are over here 24-7 had it a while back and did not bother to tell us. They will now have to be checked daily before playing with my kids. It's a shame - but I'm not going through that again.

Hope everyone is well.



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