Friday, September 28, 2007

First letter from Adam:

It is the first night here and it has already been too long. However, your picture keeps me set on staying and seeing this through. They haven't let us change into our tennis shoes yet and it is almost 10 pm. My feet hurt! We checked in around 4pm and then got some our issue stuff. $324 of stuff that I don't need. Whatever. I am kind of wondering how hard this will get. I mean I know they say it is really hard and especially with this whole sleep thing. Right now it isn't even that late and I am spacing out. I also have to write an 800-word minimum autobiography. So I am wiriting about you and the girls right now and it is making me a little sad. However, this is my new home. That is what I tell myself so I won't think I am going to end up laying in bed in Mankato when I wake up from this dream. It is just too wild that I am here.

Midnight and still in polos and dress shoes. Hmm...Well, light are at 0415, need more sleep.


Candidate Disney


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